!!!Krappfeld Krappfeld Plain, Carinthia, densely populated valley of the River Gurk, begins near Treibach-Althofen (alt. 660 m) in the north. Near Passering (alt. 551 m) in the south the valley narrows, where the River Gurk, the Landesstrasse road and the Gurktalbahn railway line all converge. Further to the west a Bundesstrasse (Friesach - St. Veit) leads through the Krappfeld. Grain growing and fruit farming are predominant in this area. %%language [Back to the Austrian Version|AEIOU/Krappfeld|class='wikipage austrian'] %% [{FreezeArticle author='AEIOU' template='Lexikon_1995_englisch'}] [{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW edit FreezeAdmin}]