!!!Kunschak, Leopold

b. Vienna, Nov. 11, 1871, 
d. Vienna, March 13, 1953, assistant harnessmaker, Christian Socialist 
labour leader and politician. In 1892 founded the Christian Socialist 
Labour Federation, which he headed until 1934; established the 
newspaper "Die Freiheit" in 1896. 1904-1934 member of the Vienna City 
Council, 1907-1911 member of the Reichsrat, 1913-1919 member of the 
Lower Austrian Landtag, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National 
Assembly, 1920-1934 member of the Nationalrat. 1920-1921 Chairman of 
the leadership of the Christian Socialist Reichspartei (advocated 
union with Germany). As a democrat opposed the Christian Socialist 
Heimwehr (para-military force) and the authoritarian policies of 
Chancellor Dollfuss. Tried to mediate between the opposing parties 
before the  Uprising, February 1934. Together with K.  Renner and 
others signed the proclamation re-establishing Austria as a democratic 
republic on April 27, 1945; 1945 was a co-founder of the OeVP 
(Austrian People's Party) and deputy mayor of Vienna. 1945-1953 member 
and 1st President of the Nationalrat. A Kunschak endowment fund was 
established in 1965. - On Feb. 11, 1913, L.K.'s brother Paul K. shot 
F.  Schuhmeier, a Social Democratic member of the Reichsrat.

Arbeiterfrage und Christentum, 1905; Volkstum und 
Arbeiterschaft, 1928; Oe. 1918-1934, 1934; Steinchen vom Wege, 1937.

F. Bauer, L. K. als Politiker, doctoral thesis, Vienna 
1950; F. Stamprech, L. K., 1950; G. Blenk, L. K. und seine Zeit, 1966; 
A. Pelinka, Stand oder Klasse, 1972; Politik fuer den Menschen - 15 
Jahre L.-K.-Preis, 1980; L. Reichhold, L. K., 1988.

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