
Lacken, Burgenland, about 40 small, up to 3 km long, 1 km 
wide and 0.5 m deep lakes or pools in the  Seewinkel area in 
Burgenland (east of  Lake Neusiedl). The largest lakes are Lake 
Zicksee (Zicklacke) and Lake Lange Lacke. The smaller lakes dry out in 
summer, which favours the development of salt crystals and  halophytes 
typical of the area. Like the shores of Lake Neusiedl, Lacken are the 
habitat for more than 250 species of birds. In 1993 Austria and 
Hungary founded the Lake Neusiedl - Seewinkel national park. Most of 
the Lacken (except Lake Zicksee) are part of the conservation area of 
the national park.

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