
Laxenburg, Lower Austria, market town in the district of Moedling, 
alt. 177 m, pop. 2,605 (in 1981: 1,861), area 
10,59 km%%sup 2/%, popular day-trip destination for the Viennese, 
situated near River Schwechat, south of Vienna in the Vienna Basin. - 
Conference Centre, Academy for Environment and Energy Production with 
a research institute for energy and environmental planning, 
International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), Austrian 
Institute of International Politics, Austrian film archives, museum in 
Franzensburg Castle, nunnery of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy 
Cross, recreation centre, social counselling agency; Laxenburg summer 
festival; tertiary sector prevails (about 90 % out of 1,487 
people employed in 1991), large range of trading businesses, large 
forwarding agencies. Old water course of River Schwechat as nature 
reserve south-east of Laxenburg. - Baroque parish church (1693-1726) 
with Rococo interior; imperial summer palace, first documentary 
mention in 1136, owned by the Habsburgs from 1333 onwards, extended in 
the 17%%sup th/%  century by L. O. Burnacini, situated in the 
middle of the 250 hectares, large English landscape park (1782-1798); 
war and post-war damage dating from 1945 was restored by 1970. Blauer 
Hof (new palace, 1745) with Theresian façade decorations 
(around 1770), representation rooms with Rococo stucco. Laxenburg was 
the favourite place of residence of Maria Theresia, Joseph II, 
Franz II (I) and Karl I; "Passespielhaeuser" (bowling lanes 
in the buildings on either side of the main entrance) and private 
theatre. Old palace (today Austrian film archives), quadrangular 
layout dating from the 17%%sup th/%  century (with a medieval nucleus) 
with Baroque chapel; large English park with water-courses, ponds, 
islands with Romantic buildings: summer house (1753), temple (1795), 
jousting tournament court (1800); Franzensburg Castle on an artificial 
island (1793-1803), named after Emperor Franz II (I), the 
interior was collected from several other palaces and monasteries: 
Habsburg statues by Peter and Paul Strudel, family portraits 
(1831-1837) by L. Kupelwieser, F. G. Waldmueller and F. Amerling, 
stained-glass windows (end of the 14%%sup th/%  century taken from the 
church of Maria am Gestade in Vienna), equestrian statue of 
Joseph II by C. Moll.

G. Horacek, Laxenburg. Beitraege zur Orts- und 
Besitzgeschichte, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1954.

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