
Leonding, Upper Austria, town in the district of Linz Land, alt. 
289 m, pop. 21,209, area 24.05 km%%sup 2/%, industrial and 
residential town west of Linz, at the eastern border of the 
Kuernberger Wald mountain. - public library, sports and multi-purpose 
hall Leonding-Hart, Kuernberg hall (multi-purpose complex), 
shooting-range of the Federal Armed Forces (Alharting), 
children´s village St. Isidor. 8,932 gainfully employed persons 
(1991), about 55 % in trade and industry: factories for 
batteries, fire-extinguishers, spinning machines, industrial furnaces, 
electronic industry; trade (shopping centre, do-it-yourself store, 
etc.). Chartered in 1976. - Parish church remodelled in Baroque style 
with modern central building, towers of the Linz fortification of 
1830-1833; Holzheim Palace rebuilt in 1726.

W. Knoglinger (ed.), Stadt Leonding anlaesslich der 
Stadterhebung 1976, 1976; F. Reiter, Sozialstruktur der Gemeinde 
Leonding, master´s thesis, Linz 1977.

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