
Lilienfeld, Lower Austria, town in the district of Lilienfeld, alt 
383 m, pop. 2,807, area 53.96 km%%sup 2/%, popular 
destination for day-trips to Traisental valley; winter sports in 
Lilienfelder Gschwendt (alt. 956 m) and Muckenkogel mountains 
(alt. 1,248 m); the sport of alpine skiing originated here (M.  
Zdarsky). - District authorities, district court, Chamber of 
Agricultural and Allied Workers, museum of local history and culture, 
inland revenue office, employment services, health insurance office, 
Chamber of Labour, Economic Chamber, hospital. Schools: 
Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium, agricultural vocational 
school, vocational school for commerce and trade, Volkshochschule 
adult education centre, day home for the physically and mentally 
challenged. Highway maintenance depot, aluminium rolling mill, 
manufacturing of roofing panels, timber mill of abbey. - Documented 
mention in 1209, town of importance due to its location along the 
Mariazell pilgrimage road, chartered in 1974. Cistercian abbey, 
founded between 1202-1206 by Duke Leopold VI (buried here with 
his daughter Margarethe and Cimburgis of Mazovia) and endowed with 
large tracts of land (westwards to the Oetscher peak). Settlement 
began from the Cistercian abbey of Heiligenkreuz. The collegiate 
church is a 83 m long, late Romanesque-early Gothic pier basilica 
with 3 naves, 7 bays, transept and hall choir with 2 naves. West 
façade with late Romanesque marble portal, framed in late 
Baroque style and in 1775 decorated with sculpted ornaments (Babenberg 
Leopold III and Leopold VI). Baroque interior, 11 altars 
(some of black marble), 2 organs, high altar panel by D. Gran (1746), 
paintings by M. Altomonte, J. G. Schmidt and L. Schnorr von 
Carolsfeld. Abbey with Romanesque-Gothic cloister and chapter house 
(13%%sup th/%  century), cellarium, and one storey above, the 
dormitory of lay brothers (14%%sup th/%  century); above the chapter 
house, the monks´ dormitory. Modified in Baroque style from 
1638, in west section imperial room, prelacy (1695-1716), library with 
ceiling fresco (1704), northern part rebuilt after fire in 1810. 
Picture gallery.

Heimatkunde des Bezirks Lilienfeld, 4 vols., 1960f.; 
Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 2, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 
1976; E. Mueller, Geschichtlicher Abriss des Stiftes Lilienfeld seit 
1700, 1979; N. Mussbacher, Das Stift Lilienfeld, 1974.

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