
Aviation: "Lighter than air" aviation started with the first hot-air 
balloon trip in the Vienna Prater in August 1784. The beginnings of 
"heavier than air" aviation in Austria can be traced back to 1877, 
when W.  Kress started to construct model aircraft in Vienna. His 
first powered flight in 1901 failed. From 1899 the Viennese engineer 
F.  Wels also built model aircraft. The first successful powered 
flights in Austria were carried out by I.  Etrich and his pilot K.  
Illner in 1909/10 in Wiener Neustadt. In 1911/12 first passenger 
flight with the Stagl-Mannsbarth airship. The theoretical basis was 
provided by men like R.  Knoller, who built military aircraft in the 
first World War, and the chair of "Aerostatics and Motoring" which was 
established in 1909 at the University of Technology in Vienna (1945 
Institute of Lightweight and Aircraft Construction).  Aircraft 
Production experienced another climax in the second World War for 
military reasons.  Air Transport.

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