!!!Maria von Ungarn

Mary of Hungary, b. Brussels, (in present-day Belgium), Sept. 17, 1505, 
d. Cigales, Spain, Oct. 18, 1558, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia; 
daughter of Philip the Fair, granddaughter of Emperor   (see) 
Maximilian I. Marriage to King Ludwig (Lajos) II of Hungary 
contracted at the   (see) Vienna Conference of Princes in 1515, but 
only consummated in 1522. When her husband died in the Battle of   
(see) Mohács in 1526 she tried as regent to secure the 
succession of her brother   (see) Ferdinand I as King of Hungary. 
Proved a wise and efficient a ruler, as also later, after being 
appointed regent of the Netherlands (1531-56) by her eldest brother, 
Emperor   (see) Karl V. Opposed the passage of the emperorship 
from Karl V to Ferdinand I.

G. Heiss, Politik und Ratgeber der Koenigin Maria von 
Ungarn in den Jahren 1521-31, in: Mitteilungen des Instituts fuer 
Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung 82, 1974; U. Tamussino, 
M. von Ungarn. Ein Leben im Dienst der Casa de Austria, 1998.

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