!!!Montecuccoli, Raimund Fürst b. Montecuccoli Palace near Modena (Italy), Feb. 21, 1609, d. Linz (Upper Austria), Oct. 16, 1680, General. 1625 entered the Austrian army, president of the imperial war council and creator of the first Austrian standing army. Was successful in the Thirty Years' War and in the Swedish-Polish war against the Swedes, 1644 defeated the Turks at Mogersdorf and was in command of the Austrian army against France 1672-1675. M. also served as a diplomat for Emperor Ferdinand III. One of the most important military theorists and military writers of the 17th century. Tomb in the Capuchin church in Linz. \\ Edition: Ausgewaehlte Schriften, 4 vols., 1899-1900. !Literature F. Stoeller, R. M., in: H. Hantsch, Gestalter der Geschicke Oe., 1962. %%language [Back to the Austrian Version|AEIOU/Montecuccoli,_Raimund_Fürst|class='wikipage austrian'] %% [{FreezeArticle author='AEIOU' template='Lexikon_1995_englisch'}] [{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW edit FreezeAdmin}]