
Neo-absolutism, form of government after the end of the Revolution of 
1848/49 (dissolution of the  Kremsier, Reichstag of on March 7, 1849, 
capitulation of Hungary and suspension of the constitution by the  
Silvesterpatent (New Year's Eve Patent) of 1851. An imperial council 
convoked by the Emperor was useless, the state was governed 
centralistically; main representatives were A. v.  Bach. The  
Peasants, Emancipation of was not influenced by Neo-absolutism; 
secondary schools and universities were reformed, after the Concordat 
of 1855 the Church was in control of elementary education. The economy 
saw its first period of rapid industrial expansion; after the 
demolition of the city walls in 1858, Vienna was considerably 
enlarged. Austria's defeat by France and Sardinia was a turning point 
and initiated Austria´s development towards a constitutional 
state with the issuing of the  Oktoberdiplom on October 20, 1860 and 
the  February Patent of February 26, 1861. However, Neo-absolutism did 
not end until the constitution of 1867 was passed.

W. Goldinger, Die Zentralbehoerden in Cisleithanien, in: 
A. Wandruszka and A. Urbanitsch, Die Habsburgermonarchie, vol. 2, 

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