
Neunkirchen, Lower Austria, municipality in the district of 
Neunkirchen, alt. 366m, pop. 10,216, area 20.28 km%%sup 2/%, 
situated at the point of entry of the River Schwarza into the 
Steinfeld area. - District administration authorities, district court, 
Economic Chamber and Institute of Economic Development (WIFI), 
District Chamber of Agricultural and Allied Workers, Chamber of 
Labour, Employment Services, tax authorities, Office of Weights and 
Measures, highway maintenance depot, regional health and social 
insurance agency, hospital, Lower Austrian Institute of Vocational 
Guidance, Islamic cultural centre, information centres (for women and 
foreigners; psychosocial services), centre for asylum seekers and 
refugees, several charity organisations (Hilfswerk, Volkshilfe), 
community college, various secondary grammar and vocational training 
schools, recreation centre, city library; about 73% of all gainfully 
employed persons work in services industries: personal, social and 
public services (Majority of jobs provided by the hospital), 
commercial firms. Industrial production (decreasing since the 1970s), 
concrete and building materials works, wood processing, mechanical and 
steel engineering, bead chain production, many building enterprises. - 
First documented mention in 1094 as "Niuwenchirgun", mint in the 
12%%sup th/%  century, destroyed by the Turks in 1683, industrial town 
since the 19%%sup th/%  century, given the status of a town in 1920. - 
Early Gothic parish church with late-Gothic and Baroque parts, 
late-Gothic star-ribbed and net-ribbed vaults reconstructed after a 
fire in 1907, Rococo interior; Pauline monastery (16%%sup th/%  
century), altered in the 18%%sup th/%  century; Renaissance and 
Baroque houses, museum; municipal museum of local history and culture 
(established in 1910) with coins from the old mint of Neunkirchen 
(12%%sup th/%  and 13%%sup th/%  century); Trinity column (1724); 
Johannes-Nepomuk-Column (1%%sup st/%  half of the 18%%sup th/%  

Stadtgemeinde Neunkirchen (ed.), festschrift Neunkirchen - 
50 Jahre Stadt (1920-1970), 1970; Oesterr. Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 
2, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1976.

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