!!!Oerley, Robert

Oerley, Robert, b. Vienna, Aug. 24, 1876, d. Vienna, Nov. 
15, 1945, architect, craftsman, watercolourist and lithographer. From 
1902 member of the "Hagenbund" artists´ association, 1907-1939 
member of the Secession. His pre-World War One buildings are strictly 
Art Nouveau, and following the concept of the total work of art O. 
often designed the interior as well; between the two World Wars O. 
played an important part in the construction of large blocks of flats 
(George-Washington-Hof, Vienna´s 10th district, 1927-1930 
with K. Krist).

!Further Works
Sanatorium Auersperg, Vienna, 8th district, 1907/08; 
villa in Auhofstrasse, Vienna, 13th district, 1911-1913; Zeiss factory 
(now Philips), Vienna, 14th district, 1917.

Magistrat der Stadt Wien (ed.), Architektur in Wien, 1984; 
F. Borsi and E. Godoli, Wiener Bauten der Jahrhundertwende, 1985; F. 
Achleitner, Oesterreichs Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert, 
vol. III/1, 1990; Architekturzentur Wien (ed.), R. O., 1996.

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