!!!Ohmann, Friedrich

Ohmann, Friedrich, b. Lvív, Ukraine (then Lemberg), Dec. 
21, 1858, d. Vienna, April 6, 1927, architect. Pupil of 
H. von  Ferstel and K. Koenig (University of Technology in 
Vienna) and of F. von  Schmidt (Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna). 
1889-1899 taught at the School of Arts and Crafts in Prague; 1899-1907 
in charge of building the extension of the Neue Hofburg and from 1898 
of all alterations of buildings and bridges near the canalised River 
Wien. From 1904 head of the master course for architecture at the 
Vienna Academy. Put into practice the "baroque-impressionist visions" 
(F. Achleitner) in the style of the turn of the century.

Vienna: hothouse in the Burggarten, 1901-1905; portal of the 
River Wien, Stadtpark, 1903-1906 (with J. Hackhofer); Zollamtssteg, 
1903-1907 (with J. Hackhofer); monument to Empress Elisabeth in the 
Volksgarten, 1904-1907.

Magistrat der Stadt Wien (ed.), Architektur in Wien, 1984; 
F. Borsi and E. Godoli, Wr. Bauten der Jahrhundertwende, 1985; F. 
Achleitner, Oe. Architektur im 20. Jh., vol. III/1, 1990.

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