!!!Ostmärkische Sturmscharen

Ostmaerkische Sturmscharen, political paramilitary force founded on 
December 7, 1930 in Innsbruck, recruited from the Katholische Jugend 
(Catholic Youth), later from journeymen and teacher organisations, 
forming an opposition to the  Heimwehr. K.  Schuschnigg was its 
"Reichsfuehrer". The Ostmaerkische Sturmscharen spread over the 
entire Austrian territory in 1933, comprising 15,000 members according 
to their own figures, but never became very popular. In Lower Austria 
they incorporated the "Lower Austrian Heimwehr" and were 
supported by the Bauernbund (Austrian Farmers' Federation). The 
chairman of the Bauernbund L.  Figl was their Landesfuehrer. The 
Ostmaerkische Sturmscharen declared themselves a cultural organisation 
on April 11, 1936, hence the dissolution of all defence forces in 
October 1936 was for them merely a formality.

W. Wiltschegg, Die Heimwehr, 1985.

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