!!!Perinet, Joachim b. Vienna, Oct. 20, 1763, d. Vienna, Feb. 4, 1816, actor, dramatist. Joined a group of writers in 1781, who tried to improve the taste of the suburban population by giving free performances. 1782-1785 acted in amateur theatre in Neustift, 1785-1797 and 1803-1806 and 1808 at the Theater in der Leopoldstadt; 1798-1803 at the Theater auf der Wieden. Wrote dramas and adapted farces by P. Hafner and thus was one of the originators of the popular Viennese play. His works dominated the repertoire of the Viennese theatres in 1790. 1808/09 editor of the letters "Briefe der Tulbinger Resel an ihren Herrn Vetter, den jungen Eipeldauer ..."; polemicist and satirist. !Works Kaspar der Fagottist oder Die Zauberzither, 1791; Das neue Sonntagskind, 1794; Die Schwestern von Prag, 1794 (P. Hafner adaptation); Der Feldtrompeter, 1808. !Literature G. Gugitz, J. P., in: Jb. d. Grillparzer-Ges. 14, 1904; R. Urbach, Die Wr. Komoedie und ihr Publikum, 1973; OeBL. %%language [Back to the Austrian Version|AEIOU/Perinet,_Joachim|class='wikipage austrian'] %% [{FreezeArticle author='AEIOU' template='Lexikon_1995_englisch'}] [{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW edit FreezeAdmin}]