!!!Piccolomini, Enea Silvio

b. Corsignano (Pienza, Italy), Oct. 18, 1405, 
d. Ancona (Italy), Aug. 14, 1464, theologian, poet, statesman, 
historian, pope. 1432 secretary of the Council of Basle: Came to 
Vienna in 1437, 1442 was crowned poet laureate by King 
Friedrich IV and called to the court as secretary. 1445 became a 
priest, obtained the parishes of Sarnthein (South Tyrol), Aspach 
(Upper Austria), Irdning and Altenmarkt (Styria) as prebends, 1447 
became Bishop of Trieste, 1449 of Siena. 1448 P. arranged the Vienna  
Concordat. 1455 left the imperial court, became a cardinal in 1456 and 
on August 19, 1458, Pope Pius II. Died during the preparations of 
a crusade against the Turks. With him the lineage of the P.s in the 
male line died out, the name passed over to 2 collateral lines.

In Austria became a pioneer of humanism through his speeches, letters 
and poetry; his "Historia Austrialis", a history of Austria written 
for Friedrich III in 1453-1458, is an important source of history of 
the period. In April 1438 he described Vienna in a letter in a 
detailed and critical manner.

Opera quae extant omnia, 2 vols., 1551/1571; Geschichte Ks. 
Friedrichs III., 2 vols., 1889/1890; Briefwechsel, published by 
R. Wolkan, 3 vols., 1909-18; Briefe, translated by M. Mell, 1911; 
Briefe, Dichtungen, with an epilogue by G. Buerck, 1966.

H. Rupprich, Die Fruehzeit des Humanismus und der Renaiss. 
in Deutschland, 1938; H. Diener, E. S. P. Weg von Basel nach 
Rom, Festschrift G. Tellenbach, 1968; Deutsche Literatur des 
Mittelalters (lex.).

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