!!!Pichler, Karoline geborene von Greiner

b. Vienna, Sept. 7, 1769, 
d. Vienna, July 9, 1843, narrative writer, dramatist, poet, essayist, 
critic. For decades the centre of the most important literary salons 
in Vienna, her guests included F.  Grillparzer, Baron J. von  
Hammer-Purgstall, F. Nicolai, N.  Lenau and F. Schlegel. Her first 
work "Gleichnisse" (1799) was followed by a series of historical 
novels, including her best known novel, the epistolary novel 
"Agathocles" (1808, 3 vols.). Was also a celebrated dramatist. In 
her essays she strongly advocated patriotic Austrian poetry. Her 
"Denkwuerdigkeiten aus meinem Leben" (4 vols., 1844) are an important 
source of cultural history of her period.

!Further works
Novels: Olivier, 1802; Leonore, 2 vols., 1804; Die 
Belagerung Wiens im Jahre 1683, 3 vols., 1824; Friedrich der 
Streitbare, 4 vols., 1831. - Erzaehlungen, 2 vols., 1812. - 
Dramat. Dichtungen, 3 vols., 1815-1818. - Zeitbilder, 
2 vols., 1839/1841. - Edition: Saemtl. Werke, 60 vols., 
1828-1844; Auswahl aus dem Werk, ed. by K. Adel, 1970.

L. Bodi, Tauwetter in Wien, %%sup 2/%1995; B. Winklehner, 
K. P., master´s thesis., Vienna 1992; E. Krill, Der 
literar. Salon der K. P. (1769-1843) und der Wandel der Literatur 
in dessen Umkreis, master´s thesis, Vienna 1999; OeBL.

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