
Roman Era: There is evidence that the population of the area 
corresponding to modern Austria came into contact with the Romans in 
186 B.C., when Celtic tribes from the Alpine region wanted to 
found a city in northern Italy but were repulsed by the Romans. The 
subsequently established Roman colony of Aquileia (181 B.C.) 
played an important role in both the economic and cultural penetration 
of Austrian territory during the entire Roman era. Rome and the  
Regnum Noricum maintained "hospitium publicum" ("public 
hospitality") from 170 B.C.; diplomatic and trade relations 
were secured and Rome´s influence increased steadily ( Noreia). 
In the year 15 B.C. the area corresponding to modern Tyrol and 
Vorarlberg was conquered in heavy fights ( Raetia) while the Regnum 
Noricum as far as the Danube was annexed by Rome, apparently without 
much bloodshed. In the year 6 A.D. a campaign against the  
Marcomanni, led from  Carnuntum, had to be stopped because of civil 
unrest in  Pannonia. The Vienna Basin, originally part of  Noricum, 
was soon integrated into Pannonia for strategic reasons. Raetia and 
Noricum did not obtain their provincial status until the reign of 
Emperor Claudius (41-54 A.D.). The territories north of the 
Danube remained Celtic at first, Germanic settlements developed from 
the 1%%sup st/%  century A.D. The extension of the Roman frontier 
defence ( Limes) along the Danube did not start until the 1%%sup st/% 
 century A.D. Two legions of 6,000 soldiers each were deployed in 
Carnuntum and  Vindobona; smaller forts designed for 500 or 1,000 
soldiers of the Roman infantry legion or the Roman cavalry existed at 
Linz, Wallsee, Mauer, Poechlarn, Mautern, Traismauer, Zwentendorf, 
Tulln, Zeiselmauer, Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Schwechat and Carnuntum. 
In addition, small forts and siege towers were built. A system of 
Germanic client states was created to keep the Roman borders safe. 
From 100 A.D., the original forts with ditches, earth walls, 
wooden structures and internal wooden buildings were gradually being 
replaced by stone-walled structures. The local population readily 
adopted Roman culture (= Romanization), the settlements of  
Aguntum,  Aelium Cetium (St. Poelten),  Brigantium (Bregenz), 
Carnuntum,  Flavia Solva,  Iuvavum (Salzburg),  Ovilava (Wels),  
Teurnia and  Virunum became autonomous cities; ( Lauriacum received 
autonomy under Caracalla in 212 A.D.). The long period of peace, 
a time of economic and cultural prosperity, ended in 167 A.D. 
when the Marcomanni and their allies, Germanic tribes, broke through 
the Roman frontier defences on the Danube and advanced as far as 
northern Italy, plundering and destroying Roman settlements. Emperor  
Marcus Aurelius was engaged in prolonged defensive action from 
Carnuntum. The newly established second Italian legion was transferred 
to Albing, where the River Enns empties into the Danube, and where the 
largest Austrian legionary camp of some 23 hectares was erected (and 
perhaps never completed). On April 9, 193 A.D. the governor 
of Upper Panonnia,  Septimius Severus, was proclaimed Emperor at 
Carnuntum; he particularly promoted the development of the Danube 
provinces. The 3%%sup rd/%  century saw repeated incursions by 
Germanic tribes; Bregenz was destroyed by the Alemanni; Raetia, 
Noricum and Pannonia were devastated. Emperor Diocletian (284-305) 
restored efficient government to the Empire by dividing the provinces 
into smaller units and by separating the civil and military 
administration;  Noricum Ripense was provided with a new legion, the 
required strength of troops was reduced, and a currency reform was 
initiated. During the last and largest persecution of Christians under 
the Roman Empire  Florian, the only early Christian Austrian martyr 
known by name, was thrown into the River Enns on May 3 or 4, 
304 A.D. Following Diocletian´s resignation in 307/308, 
four emperors participated in a conference held in Carnuntum to settle 
disputes over the succession to the throne. As, in late Antiquity, an 
ever increasing number of the Roman provincial population strove to be 
protected against foreign invasions in former legionary camps, the 
forts along the Danube gradually developed into fortified settlements; 
fortifications built on high ground flourished in the internal part of 
Noricum. Valentinian I (364-375) was the last Roman Emperor to 
initiate a vast building programme on the fortifications and to 
reorganize frontier defence at the Danube limes; the military campaign 
launched against the  Quadi was the last Roman advance across the 
Danube. Around 396 A.D., Marcomannic tribes were settled as 
allies in the area of eastern Austria. At the beginning of the 
5%%sup th/%  century Germanic tribes embarked on numerous plundering 
expeditions through Austria and destroyed various towns, including 
Flavia Solva. In 433 A.D., parts of Pannonia had to be ceded to 
the Huns; a short period of peace followed. From the mid-5%%sup th/%  
century Raetia was under the rule of the Alemanni. In the troubled 
period following the death of  Attila in 453, Saint  Severinus started 
his religious, social and political activities in the Noric region ( 
Favianis,  Vita Severini. The  Rugi, with their centre on the northern 
bank of the River Danube near Krems, became an important local power. 
However, the Romans still maintained their far-reaching trade 
relations. In his last military action led from Italy  Odoacer 
defeated the Rugi in two campaigns; in 488 he forced the majority of 
Romans living in Noricum Ripense east of the River Enns to withdraw to 
Italy, which saw the end of the Roman era north of the Alps. Relations 
between the internal part of Noricum and Italy were maintained for a 
longer period of time; at first, the area was part of the Ostrogothic 
Empire, later it was controlled by the Langobardi. In the year 
600 A.D., the Roman era came to an end in southern Austria as a 
result of invasions by the Bavarians,  Avars and  Slavs, who destroyed 
the last remaining Roman structures. The economic, technical and 
cultural effects of the Roman era were of the greatest importance, 
including the development of mineral springs, stone and mortar 
building, bricks, underfloor heating systems, Roman baths, 
water-pipes, canals and roads; at least part of the provincial 
population was able to read and write. Archeological evidence 
indicates the high standard of living ( Archeology) of that period. 
Christianity was promoted in Austria by merchants, craftsmen and 
soldiers ( Christianity, Early).

G. Alfoeldy, Noricum, 1974; G. Winkler, Noricum und Rom, 
1977; A. Lippert (ed.), Reclams Archaeologiefuehrer Oesterreichs und 
Sued-Tirols, 1985; M. Kandler and H. Vetters, Der roemische Limes in 
Oesterreich, 1986; K. Genser, Der oesterreichische Donaulimes in der 
Roemerzeit, 1986; P. Pleyel, Das roemische Oesterreich. Fundstaetten 
und Museen, %%sup 2/%1994; H. Wolfram, Grenzen und Raeume, 1995.

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