!!!Ried im Innkreis

Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria, town in the district of Ried im 
Innkreis, alt. 429 m, pop. 11,260, area 6.77 km%%sup 2/%; 
principal town and economic centre of the Innviertel Region; traffic 
junction; well known for its trade fairs: "Rieder Fair" 
since 1867, agricultural show with large-scale exhibition of breeding 
cattle and industrial exhibition, biggest auction of Simmental Cattle 
in Austria; held alternately in spring and in autumn, and alternating 
between Ried im Innkreis and Wels; music fair and horticultural fair. 
- District Commission; District Chamber of Agriculture; District 
Building Authority; District Headquarters of Gendarmerie; Provincial 
Court and District Court; prison; Inland Revenue Office; Office of 
Weights, Measures and Surveying; Labour Market Service; livestock 
breeding office; office responsible for the maintenance of bridges in 
the Innviertel Region; automobile inspection service; Zehner barracks; 
Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Labour, regional health insurance 
institution (local office); General Hospital; district old age and 
nursing home; New Apostolic and Old Catholic communities; Methodist 
community; Capuchin guardianship; Redemptorists; Kolpinghaus centre; 
psychological school service; Caritas service; Bundesgymnasium and 
Bundesrealgymnasium secondary schools; commercial academy; 
advanced-level commercial school; federal training institute for 
kindergarten teachers; vocational school of commerce and trade; 
Vocational Training Institute; adult education centre of St. Francis; 
Jahn gymnasium; gallery of the town of Ried, library, auction hall. 
Ried is an important trading centre; it also manufactures skis, 
ventilation systems and agricultural machines; technically innovative 
specialized companies; large-scale dairy, breweries. - Castle (first 
documented mention in 1140); parish church built on a Gothic ground 
plan; redecorated in Baroque style by M. Bereiter between 1721 and 
1723; band and lattice stuccowork (1725) with ceiling paintings by J. 
Gold (1884-1893); interior mainly by the local Schwanthaler family of 
sculptors; subsidiary church of St. Anna (1500); Capuchin church 
(1644-1651); Riedberg church, built in 1956; Old Catholic church 
(1893); Innviertler Volkskundehaus (museum of folklore). Stelzhamer 
monument; fountain figure of Dietmar der Anhanger (1665); main square 
with Old Bavarian hall character.

F. Berger, Ried im Innkreis, 2 vols., 1948-1955; M. 
Bauboeck, 100 Jahre Stadt Ried im Innkreis, Festschrift, 1957; 
Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch vol. I, Die Staedte 
Oberoesterreichs 1968; Stadtgemeinde Ried im Innkreis (ed.), Ried im 
Innkreis. Die Stadt im Zentrum des Innviertels, 1979.

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