!!!Rosegger, Peter

''P. Rossegger''

''P. K. = Petri Kettenfeier, Hans Malser''

b. Alpl (municipality of Krieglach, Styria), July 31, 1843, 
d. Krieglach (Styria), June 26, 1918, narrative writer, poet, 
journalist, writer of popular stories; father of Hans Ludwig  
Rosegger. Born of peasant parents in a mountainous region, 
self-taught, 1865-1869 attended the Academy for Trade and Industry in 
Graz. First attempts at writing made possible by scholarships, in 1870 
published "Zither und Hackbrett" (dialect poetry). Next wrote stories 
set against a rural background and ethnographic sketches (e.g. 
"Sittenbilder aus dem steirischen Oberlande", 1870; "Waldheimat", 
1877, extended to 4 vols. until 1913/1916), which won R. great 
popularity. A selection for younger readers called "Als ich noch der 
Waldbauernbub war" (3 vols., 1899-1902) became one of the bestselling 
books of the time. 1876 founded the periodical  "Heimgarten" (until 
1935), which became the forum of his literary and journalistic work. 
Towards the end of the century his works displayed the increasing 
influence of the maxims of the  Heimatkunst Movement ("Jakob der 
Letzte", 1889; "Erdsegen", 1900); in his further works antimodernist, 
German nationalist tendencies became noticeable ("Mein Himmelreich", 

The Protestant church in Muerzzuschlag (1905), the Waldschulhaus 
school in Alpl (1902) and the Catholic church in St. Kathrein (1902) 
were constructed on R.'s initiative. His birth place, the school in 
Alpl and the house in Krieglach where he lived and died are now 

Further works: poetry and works in dialect: Tannenharz und 
Fichtennadeln, 1870; Stoansteirisch, 1885; writings in Styrian 
dialect. Complete edition in 3 vols., 1895/1896. - Novels: In der 
Einoede, 1872 (revised "Heidepeters Gabriel", 1882); Die Schriften des 
Waldschulmeisters, 1875; Der Gottsucher, 1883; Hoehenfeuer, 1887; 
Peter Mayr, der Wirt an der Mahr, 1893; Weltgift, 1903; I. N. R. I., 
1905; Die Foersterbuben, 1908. - Narratives and sketches: Geschichten 
aus der Steiermark, 1871; Wanderleben, 1871; Aus dem Walde, 1873; Aus 
Waeldern und Bergen, 1875; Sonderlinge aus dem Volke der Alpen, 3 
vols., 1875; Streit und Sieg. Novellas, 2 vols., 1876; Dt. 
Geschichtenbuch, 1890. - Drama: Am Tage des Gerichts, 1892. - Essays: 
Bergpredigten, 1885; Allerlei Menschliches, 1893; Volksreden ueber 
Fragen und Klagen, Zagen und Wagen der Zeit, 1908; Heim zur Scholle, 
1915. - Editions: Gesammelte Werke (last work published by the author 
himself), 40 vols., 1913-1916; Gesammelte Werke, ed. by J. Perfahl, 4 
vols., 1989; Das Leben in seinen Briefen, ed. by O. Janda, 1943.

C. Anderle, Der andere R., 1983; K. Wagner, Die literar. 
Oeffentlichkeit der Provinzliteratur. Der Volksschriftsteller P. R., 
1991; E. Philippoff, P. R. Dichter der verlorenen Scholle, 1993; G. 
Schoepfer (ed.), P. R. 1843-1918, exhibition catalogue, Krieglach, 
Birkfeld, St. Kathrein 1993; W. Schmidt-Dengler (ed.), P. R. im 
Kontext, 1999.

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