!!!Schmidt, Guido

b. Bludenz (Vorarlberg), Jan. 15, 1901, 
d. Vienna, Dec. 5, 1957. Diplomat, politician (Christian Socialist,_ 
Vaterlaendische Front - Fatherland Front); father of G.  
Schmidt-Chiari. From 1928 vice director of President. W.  Miklas's 
parliament and played an important part in the conclusion of the  
Juliabkommen 1936. Friendship with K.  Schuschnigg, who made him 
Staatssekretaer of Foreign Affairs in 1936, Feb. 12 to March 11, 1938 
Foreign Minister. During the war worked in the industrial sector, 
1945-1947 imprisoned because of his pro-Nazi attitude, acquitted in 

Der Hochverratsprozess gegen Dr. G. S., 1947.

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