!!!Scholz, Wenzel

b. Innsbruck (Tyrol), March 28, 1787, 
d. Vienna, Oct. 5, 1857. Actor. In 1811 debut in his 
mother´s travelling company, in 1815 engagement at the 
Burgtheater for a few months, where he was unable to develop his comic 
talent, 1819-1926 in Graz, in 1826 in Vienna again, at the Theater in 
der Josefstadt, the Theater an der Wien and from 1838 at the 
Carltheater; friend and most important partner of J.  Nestroy, who 
frequently tailored roles for him and with whom he celebrated many 

U. Deck, W. S. und das Altwiener Volkstheater, 
doctoral thesis, Vienna 1967; OeBL.

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