!!!Seetaler Alpen

Seetal Alps, northern Styria, mountains consisting of gneiss with an 
abundance of forests, between Perchauer Sattel Pass in the west and 
Obdacher Sattel Pass in the east; Zirbitzkogel mountain (alt. 
2,396 m). Divided by the Klippitztoerl pan (alt. 1,644 m), 
the Seetal Alps merge into Saualpe Mountain on Carinthian territory. 
The Seetal Alps also feature cirque or kar lakes such as 
Winterleitenseen, Wildsee, Lavantsee and others. Towns and villages in 
the valley are Judenburg, Unzmarkt, Scheifling, Neumarkt in der 
Steiermark and Obdach. Mountain refuges: Zirbitzkogelhaus (alt. 
2,376 m), Winterleitenhuette (alt. 1,782 m), Rothaidenhuette 
(alt. 1,836 m), Seetaler Huette (alt. 1,530 m); also: 
military training area and meteorological radar station.

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