!!!Sonnenfels, Joseph Freiherr von

Sonnenfels, Baron Joseph von, b. Mikulov, Czech Republic (then 
Nikolsburg), 1732, d. Vienna, April 25, 1817, law scholar. 
University professor from 1763, established ´political 
science´ as a university subject in its own right by separating 
it from ´economics´ and ´finance´; main 
supporter of the era of Enlightenment under  Joseph II, advocated 
the abolition of torture in 1776. Court Counsellor of the Court 
Chancery in 1779, worked on the judicial reform of Joseph II. S. 
wanted to purge the theatre of improvised comedies and popular 
elements, initiated the reform of the Burgtheater by Joseph II, 
became theatre censor in 1810 and President of the Academy of Fine 
Arts in Vienna in 1811.

Briefe ueber die Wienerische Schaubuehne, 4 vols., 1768; 
Grundsaetze der Polizey-, Handlungs- und Finanzwiss., 3 parts, 
1769-1776; Ueber die Abschaffung der Folter, 1775. - Edition: 
Gesammelte Schriften, 10 vols., 1883-1887.

J. Brosche, J. v. S. and das Wiener Theater, 
doctoral thesis, Vienna 1962; D. Lindner, Der Mann ohne Vorurteil, 
1983; J. S., ed. by H. Reinalter, 1988.

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