!!!Steinfeld, Franz der Jüngere

Steinfeld, Franz the younger, b. Vienna, March 26, 1787, 
d. Pisek (Czech Republic), Nov. 5, 1868, landscape painter, etcher and 
lithographer. Son and student of the sculptor Franz S. the Elder, 
father of the painter Wilhelm S., studied at the Vienna Academy; 
travelled to Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland and to the 
Netherlands to study the works of the 17th century landscape painters; 
1815-1835 Kammermaler* of archduke Anton Viktor, from 1845 teacher at 
the Vienna Academy. Had a lasting influence on the art of landscape 
painting of the Biedermeier period. His painting 
´Hallstattlandschaft´ (1824, in the 
Niederoesterreichisches Landesmuseum) is considered one of the 
principal works of Romantic realism.

P. Poetschner, F. S. und die Ueberwindung des Barocks 
in der Wr. Landschaftsmalerei, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1951.

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