!!!Tulln an der Donau

Tulln an der Donau, Lower Austria, town in the district of Tulln, alt. 
180 m, pop. 12,038, area 72.22 km%%sup 2/%, situated on the 
southern bank of the Danube, political and economic centre of the 
Tullnerfeld Plain; 3 bridges across the Danube (2 road bridges and 1 
railway bridge), landing stage; Tulln is called "Austria´s 
flower and garden city" because of its annual flower fair. - 
District Commission, district court, employment services, internal 
revenue office, customs office, health office, office of weights and 
measures, power supply authorities and shipping police, building 
authorities of the Federal River Regulation office, road authorities, 
tree nursery and gardens of the federal research centre for forestry, 
central office for agricultural matters of the Provincial Government 
of Lower Austria, Economic Chamber, Chamber of Labour, provincial 
Chamber of Agriculture, Health Insurance Office, hospital, Red Cross 
head office of Lower Austria, psychological and social centre, Caritas 
day centre for the disabled, children´s home of the 
"Volkshilfe" organisation, "Lebenshilfe" social 
centre, "Hilfswerk" relief organisation, counselling centre 
for the unemployed, head office of the Lower Austrian fire brigades 
and the civil defense (fire brigade school, fire brigade museum); 
agricultural biotechnology research centre, Bundesgyymnasium and 
Bundesrealgymnasium secondary schools, commercial academy, commercial 
school, advanced-level commercial school, agricultural trade school, 
fire brigade school, school for nursing care, school for aviation, 
adult education centre, arts and crafts workshop, town hall, 
historical museums in the monastery of the Friars Minor, Egon Schiele 
museum, park, exhibition grounds of the Tulln Messe 
Ges. m. b. H., port for yachts, water pump works, 
transformer station,  Langenlebarn airfield with glider hangar. 
Industry and trade: sugar factory, large printing shop, building trade 
(e.g. concrete prefabricates), production of windows and metal parts, 
specialized mechanical engineering, processing of animal carcasses. In 
1991 around 64% of the 6,711 gainfully employed people were working in 
the service sector (especially trades, public and social service). - 
History: Tulln was the Roman naval base of "Comagena", first 
documented mention in 791, as "civitas" in 1014, first 
documented mention as a chartered town in 1270, Tulln was mentioned in 
the Nibelungenlied; important trade post and judicial court town in 
the Middle Ages, military base of the relieving army in 1683 when 
Vienna was under Turkish siege. - Parish church of St. Stephan, 
Romanesque twin-towered basilica with nave walls resting on pillars 
(12%%sup th/%  century), altered and partly rebuilt in the Gothic 
period (choir from the first part of the 14%%sup th/%  century) 
and the Baroque period (Baroque towers), Romanesque wall structure and 
Romanesque west portal with demi-figures in rounded niches 
(13%%sup th/%  century), interior with Baroque altars (1725-1786), 
Rococo choir (around 1750) from the Carthusian monastery in Gaming, 
several tombstones (15%%sup th/%  - 18%%sup th/%  centuries); one 
of the most beautiful late Romanesque charnel houses (around 1240) in 
Austria, built by the Wiener Bauhuette, with a magnificent doorway and 
Romanesque frescoes (altered in 1873); former church of the Friars 
Minor (1732-1739) with elaborate baroque strapwork and late Baroque 
furnishings and Friars Minor monastery (today office and museum); city 
tower (16%%sup th/%  century); salt tower with late Romanesque 
core; former Dominican convent, some parts from the 17%%sup th/% 
 century; former Capuchin monastery (17%%sup th/%  century); 
Trinity Column (1695); column of the Virgin Mary (around 1700); 
burghers´ houses with Gothic core and late Gothic details, 
Baroque and historicist façades.

O. Biack, Geschichte der Stadt T., 1982; Oesterreichisches 
Staedtebuch vol. IV, part 3, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 
1982; Stadtgemeinde T. (ed.), 1200 Jahre T., 1991; Stadtpfarre 
St. Stephan (ed.), Kirchliche Bauwerke in T., 1999.

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