!!!Tunner, Peter von

b. Untergraden (Styria), May 10, 1809, 
d. Leoben (Styria), June 8, 1897, mining expert. 1840 became the 
first director of the Vordernberg School of Mining. After it was 
transferred to Leoben was director of the Imperial Mining School (from 
1861 Mining Academy, today  University of Mining and Metallurgy, 
Leoben), and was responsible for the outstanding international 
reputation of this institution. Very significant contributions to the 
field of steel production in a refining hearth and in the puddling 
furnace; also introduced the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin open-hearth 
processes ( Iron,  Steel) After trips to the Urals in 1870 and to the 
USA in 1876 he was internationally considered one of the world´s 
leading steel specialists.

Gemeinfassl. Darstellung der Stabeisen- und Stahlbereitung in 
Frischherden, %%sup 2/%1858; Russlands Montanind., 1871; Das 
Eisenhuettenwesen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, 1877. - 
Editor: Berg- und huettenmaennisches Jahrbuch, 1841-1866.

H. Lackner, P. T. 1809-97, in: Der Leobener 
Strauss 8, 1980; Zum Gedenken an P. Ritter v. T., 1997.

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