!!!Vogelsang, Karl Freiherr von

Vogelsang, Baron Karl von, b. Legnica, Poland (then Liegnitz), Sept. 3, 1818, 
d. Vienna, Nov. 8, 1890, Catholic politician dealing with social 
policy and social reformer, publicist; 1864 came to Austria, 1875 
editor of the Viennese Catholic conservative newspaper "Das Vaterland" 
and in 1879 founded the monthly magazine "Oesterreichische 
Monatsschrift fuer Gesellschaftswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaft". 
Spiritual founder of the  Christian Socialist Movement. He aimed at 
Christian social reform while preserving a class structure; his main 
objective was to maintain the middle class. His work "Die materielle 
Lage des Arbeiterstandes in Oesterreich" (with E. Schneider, 1884) had 
great influence on social legislation. His social programme was 
adopted by K.  Lueger. K. Vogelsang Association in Vienna.

!Further works
Die Bauernbewegung in den oe. Alpenlaendern, 1881; Zins 
und Wucher, 1884; Gesammelte Aufsaetze, 12 Hefte, 1886.

A. Orel, V. Leben und Lehren, 1922; W. Klopp, Leben und 
Wirken des Sozialpolitikers K. V., 1930; J. C. 
Allmayer-Beck, V., Vom Feudalismus zur Volksbewegung, 1952; G. 
Silberbauer, Oe. Katholiken und die Arbeiterfrage, 1966; E. Bader 
(ed.), K. V. Die geistige Grundlegung der christl. Sozialreform, 

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