!!!Wahlberg, Wilhelm Emil

Wahlberg, Wilhelm Emil, b. Prague (Czech Republic), July 4, 1824, 
d. Vienna, Jan. 31, 1901, criminal law scholar. Advocate of 
university autonomy. University Professor, member of the State Court 
and of the Penal Law Commission. As one of the founders of the 
subjective viewpoint of penal law, he focused on the criminal and saw 
punishment as a means of deterrence, prevention, improvement or 

Die Ehrenfolgen der strafgerichtlichen Verurteilung, 
1864; Das Prinzip der Individualisierung in der Strafrechtspflege, 
1869; Kritik der Reichsstrafprozessordnung, 1873; Gesammelte kleinere 
Schriften, 3 vols., 1875-1882.

W. Brauneder (ed.), Juristen in Oesterreich, 1987.

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