!!!Wartberg ob der Aist

Wartberg ob der Aist, Upper Austria, market town in the district of 
Freistadt, alt. 477 m, pop. 3,190, area 19.40 km%%sup 2/%, 
in the Aisttal valley. - Schloss Haus provincial sanatorium 
(1721-1729, today branch of the Wagner-Jauregg hospital, located in 
Linz), transformer station; branch of the warehouse cooperative, 
building trade. - Parish church (first documented mention of a church 
in this site in 1111, present church built in the 1%%sup st/%  half of 
the 14%%sup th/%  century until 1508), late-Gothic western gallery and 
tabernacle, neo-Gothic interior with Renaissance tombs; former church 
of St. Wenceslas (1510, now district war memorial); "Himmler 
Fliehloch" (souterrain) in Reitling. "Untere Feldaist" 
conservation area.

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