!!!Weyr, Rudolf

b. Vienna, March 22, 1847, 
d. Vienna, Oct. 30, 1914, sculptor; uncle of Siegfried  Weyr. Studied 
at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts; worked at the studio of J. Cesar; 
contributed to the sculptural ornamentation of the Museums of Arts and 
Natural Sciences and the Hermesvilla in Vienna; numerous statues, e.g. 
H. Canon (1905) and J. Brahms (1908) in Vienna. Together with V.  
Tilgner is regarded as one of the most outstanding Neo-Baroque 

M. Poetzl-Malikova, Die Plastik der Ringstrasse. 
Kuenstlerische Entwicklung 1890-1918, 1976; W. Krause, Die Plastik der 
Wr. Ringstrasse. Von der Spaetromantik bis zur Wende um 1900, 1980.

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