
Wienerberg Hill, alt. 244 m, ridge on the southern edge of Vienna 
(10%%sup th/%  district), wooded during the Middle Ages. In the 
19%%sup th/%  century many housing estates were erected on the 
northern slope towards the side of the town ( Favoriten), several 
brickworks were built on the southern slope. The Wienerberg Hill is 
crossed by the southbound Triester Strasse through road; the  
Spinnerin am Kreuz monument is situated on its highest elevation. A 
water tower of 67 m height supplies parts of Vienna's 10%%sup th/%  
and 12%%sup th/%  district with drinking water. In 1960, a gas 
container of 104 m height was erected at the foot of Wienerberg Hill. 
Wienerberg Hill recreation area with Matsumae-Budo-Center, golf links, 
leisure and recreation facilities, biotopes (ponds originating from 
brickworks). Wienerberg Hill Retirement Home, Wiener 
Gebietskrankenkasse health and social insurance agency outpatient 
clinic for the southern districts of Vienna (Ambulatorium Sued) since 
1974/75, administration building of the Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse 
health and social insurance agency since 1981. Business Park Vienna; 
Church Salvatorkirche am Wienerfeld (1977-79, ministry centre). 
Completion of the first part of the Wienerberg Hill housing estate in 
1987. In the east, the Wienerberg Hill continues as  Laaer Berg Hill.

H. Tschulk, Favoriten, Wiener Bezirkskulturfuehrer, 1985.

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