!!!Wiesner-Hager Möbel GmbH Wiesner-Hager Moebel GmbH, founded in Altheim as a carpentry producing structural building elements (Upper Austria), production of chairs and settees since 1921; independent company of the Wiesner-Hager group since 1990. Leading producer of office furniture, furniture for meeting rooms and swivel chairs etc. About 300,000 pieces of furniture (chairs, desks and other office furniture) are produced every year, turnover in 1999/2000: ATS 550 million, export rate 35 %; about 476 employees. %%language [Back to the Austrian Version|AEIOU/Wiesner-Hager_Möbel_GmbH|class='wikipage austrian'] %% [{FreezeArticle author='AEIOU' template='Lexikon_1995_englisch'}] [{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW edit FreezeAdmin}]