!!!Wolfram, Richard

b. Vienna, Sept. 16, 1901, 
d. Traismauer (Lower Austria), May 30, 1995, folklorist. Professor of 
Germanic German, Austrian and comparative European folklore studies at 
the University of Vienna (1939-1945, 1959-1972); academic supervisor 
for the compilation of the Austrian  Volkskundeatlas. His studies in 
all parts of Europe influenced research into  Customs and Traditions 
and  Folk Dancing.

Schwerttanz und Maennerbund, 3 vols., 1936-1937; Die 
Volkstaenze in Oesterreich und verwandte Taenze in Europa, 1972; 
Brauchtum und Volksglaube in der Gottschee, 1980; S-Ti. 
Volksschauspiel und Spielbraeuche, 1987.

H. Fielhauer (ed.), Volkskunde und Volkskultur. 
Festschrift, 1968; O. Bockhorn and H. Fielhauer, Kulturelles Erbe und 
Aneignung. Festschrift, 1982 (each with a list of references).

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