!!!Wranitzky, Paul

b. Novà Řísě, Czech Republic (then Neureisch), Dec. 30, 1756, 
d. Vienna, Sept. 26, 1808, composer, violinist. Brother of Anton  
Wranitzky. Moved to Vienna in 1776; 1785 musical director at the Court 
of Prince Esterházy; 1790 first violinist at the Court 
Theatres. W. strongly influenced the musical scene of Vienna; from 
1805 was responsible for special concerts organised for aristocratic 
music lovers ("Adelige-Liebhaber-Konzerte") with A.  Gyrowetz; 
secretary of an association of musicians and composers called 

21 works for the stage: Oberon, Koenig der Elfen, 1787; Zephir 
und Flora, 1795; Das Waldmaedchen, 1796. - Symphonies, chamber music, 

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