!!!Zöllner, Erich

b. Vienna, June 25, 1916, 
d. Vienna, Dec. 11, 1996, historian. 1953-1986 professor of Austrian 
history at the University of Vienna; 1974-1985 president of the  
Institut fuer Oesterreichkunde (Institute of Austrian Studies); 
regarded as the most eminent scholar on Austrian history in the 2nd 
half of the 20th century.

Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Babenberger in Oe., vol. 
1-2, 1950/1955 (revision carried out with H. Fichtenau); Geschichte 
der Franken bis zur Mitte des 6. Jh., 1970 (with J. Werner); 
Geschichte Oe., 1961, %%sup 8/%1990; Das Werden Oe., 1964 
(%%sup 7/%1990; with T. Schuessel); Probleme und Aufgaben der oe. 
Geschichtsforschung, ed. by H. Dienst and G. Heiss, 1984 (including a 
list of works); Der Oesterreichbegriff. Formen und Wandlungen, 1988.

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