[{WikipediaArticle oldid='220192325'}]

[{VerifyArticle user='eertl' template='Standard' date='12. August 2014' page-date='2014' comment='Überprüft, nach Biegl, C.E., Begegnungen mit der Natur 8' funder='51' }]
[{ALLOW edit Admin}][{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW verify eertl}]
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!!!License Information of Images on page
||Image Description||Credit||Artist||License Name||File
| Arten der Chromosomenmutation - GNU-FDL - selbst erstellt| | User Freeware-flo on de.wikipedia| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Chromosomenmutation.png
| Schema möglicher Chromosomenmutationen.| Talking Glossary of Genetics . The pdf version from this web site was used as source for this image file. Several alterations have been made to the layout, captions were translated to German (c -> k in Duplication and Translocation).| Original author unknown. Changes as described by de:user:Dietzel65| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Chromosomenmutationen.png