[{WikipediaArticle oldid='197584648'}]

[{VerifyArticle user='eertl' template='Standard' date='04. Dezember 2014' page-date='2014' comment='Überprüft, nach Dobrinski, P., Krakau, G., Vogel, A., Physik für Ingenieure' funder='66' }]
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!!!License Information of Images on page
||Image Description||Credit||Artist||License Name||File
| Styrofoam peanuts clinging to a cat's fur due to static electricity .  The triboelectric effect causes an electrostatic charge to build up on the fur due to the cat's motions. The electric field of the charge causes polarization of the molecules of the styrofoam due to electrostatic induction , resulting in a slight attraction of the light plastic pieces to the charged fur. This effect is also the cause of static cling in clothes.| Diese Datei ist ein Ausschnitt aus einer anderen Datei| Original image: Sean McGrath from Saint John, NB, Canada Derived image: Black Rainbow 999| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by.png' alt='CC BY 2.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-20.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Cat demonstrating static cling with styrofoam peanuts.jpg
| The Wikimedia Commons logo, SVG version.| Original created by Reidab ( PNG version ) SVG version was created by Grunt and cleaned up by 3247 . Re-creation with SVG geometry features by Pumbaa , using a proper partial circle and SVG geometry features. (Former versions used to be slightly warped.)| Reidab , Grunt , 3247 , Pumbaa| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Commons-logo.svg
| Illustration des elektrischen Feldes und der Äquipotentialflächen um eine positive Ladung im Raum.| German wikipedia| (original uploader was Benutzer:Pediadeep| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Elektrostatik-efeld.png
| Feldlinien einer positiv geladenen, unendlich ausgedehnten Ebene| drawn based on Datei:Feld einer geladenen Ebene.png (bitmap version)| Herbertweidner, SVG: Marlus_Gancher| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/copyr-freeuse.png' alt='Copyrighted free use' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/cr-free.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Feld einer geladenen Ebene.svg
| Lightning over the outskirts of Oradea , Romania , during the August 17, 2005 thunderstorm which went on to cause major flash floods over southern Romania.| Edited version of Image:Lightning over Oradea Romania 2.jpg .| Mircea Madau| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Lightning over Oradea Romania 3.jpg
| Wikibooks logo;  Favicon is| Eigenes Werk| Bastique , Ramac et al.| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Wikibooks-logo.svg
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