[{WikipediaArticle oldid='222320951'}]

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!!!License Information of Images on page
||Image Description||Credit||Artist||License Name||File
| | Eigenes Werk| Didier Descouens| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:(Venice) Ritratto del cavaliere e procuratore Francsesco Morosini - Museo Correr.jpg
| Atlante Veneto Volume 1 Atlante Veneto, nel quale si contiene La Descrittione Geografica, Storica, Sacra, Profana & Politica degli Imperij, Regni, Provincie Dell'Universo Loro Divisione e Confini Coll'aggiunta di tutti li Paesi nuovamente scoperti, accresciuto di molte tavole geografiche, mai più pubblicate Opera, e studio del Padre maestro CORONELLI MIN: CONVENT;... ad uso dell'Accademia cosmografica degli Argonaut| https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/68133/atlante-veneto-coronelli| Vincenzo Maria Coronelli| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Atlante Veneto Volume 1 179 (cropped).jpg
| The Wikimedia Commons logo, SVG version.| Original created by Reidab ( PNG version ) SVG version was created by Grunt and cleaned up by 3247 . Re-creation with SVG geometry features by Pumbaa , using a proper partial circle and SVG geometry features. (Former versions used to be slightly warped.)| Reidab , Grunt , 3247 , Pumbaa| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Commons-logo.svg
| The destroyer of Parthenon.| Francesco Morosini, Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale), Venice| Dimitris Kamaras from Athens, Greece| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by.png' alt='CC BY 2.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-20.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Francesco Morosini, Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale), Venice (37722138656).jpg
| Illustration from Atene Attica Descritta da suoi Principii sino all’acquisto fatto dall’Armi Venete nel 1687…, Venice, Antonio Bortoli , 1695 edition, by Francesco Fanelli, nach S. 308| http://eng.travelogues.gr/collection.php?view=157| Francesco Fanelli| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Francisco Mavroceno Peloponnesiaco adhuc viventi sc - Fanelli Francesco - 1695.jpg
| Per le feste del varo della <<Morosini>> a Venezia. Il Fac-simile della galea di Francesco Morosini (xilografia).| L’illustrazione popolare, Fratelli Treves Editori - Milano, 1885.| Autor/-in unbekannt Unknown author| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Il Fac-simile della galea di Francesco Morosini.jpg
| | Web Gallery of Art : Abbild Info about artwork reference_wga QS:P973," http://www.wga.hu/html/l/lazzarin/morosin2.html "| Gregorio Lazzarini| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Lazzarini, Gregorio - Merit Offers the Command to Doge Morosini - 1694.jpg
| Italy, Venice. Francesco Morosini. 1688-1694. Medal (Silver, 61mm, 89.27 g 12), on the victories of Venice against the Ottomans, by P. H. Müller, Nuremberg, 1688. FRANCISCUS MAUROCENUS DUX VENETIARUM A 1688 D 3 APRIL / NIL DESPERANDUM TEURCRO DUCE (=no need to despair with Teucer as your leader, Horace Odes, I, vii, 27) Facing bust of Morosini, turned slightly to the right, wearing doge’s corno and robes; behind flags of Venice and the allies, shield of Moroini and arms; should truncation, P.H.M. On edge: VIDERVNT INSVLAE ET TIMVERVNT EXTREMAE TERRAE OBSTVPERVERVNT ET ACCESSERVNT ESAI 4I (= Isaiah 41: 5, The coast lands have seen and became afraid. The ends of the earth were astonished, they drew near, and came.) FK (= Friederich Kleinert, ) Rev. ADRIATICI MARIS DOMINA ARCHIPELAGI REGINA (=Dominatrix of the Adriatic Sea, Queen of the Islands) Figure of Venice seated facing on a throne in the sea; before her, the labeled personifications of the MOREA, CANDIA, ATHENAE, NEGROPONT and CYPRVS; behind, ships and volcano. MH 91. Toderi/Vannel 1990, 55. Voltolina 1066. Very rare. Lightly toned and beautifully struck. Extremely fine.| CNG| P. H. Müller, Nuremerg, 1688| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Silver medal in honour of Francesco Morosini, 1688.jpg