[{WikipediaArticle oldid='224440885'}] %%information %%(font-size: 80%;) !!!License Information of Images on page ||Image Description||Credit||Artist||License Name||File | Pictograms of Olympic sports - Alpine skiing| Eigenes Werk| Thadius856 (SVG conversion) & Parutakupiu (original image)| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Alpine skiing pictogram.svg | Pictograms of Olympic sports - Bobsleigh| Eigenes Werk| Thadius856 (SVG conversion) & Parutakupiu (original image)| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Bobsleigh pictogram.svg | Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic 's Gold medal| Eigenes Werk| 쿠도군| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Bronze medal-2008OB.svg | Zeichnung einer Bronzemedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg .| Eigenes Werk, basierend auf: Olympic rings.svg| B1mbo| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 2.5' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-25.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Bronze medal.svg | The Canadian Red Ensign used between 1921 and 1957. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen . The only change is making the maple leaves green from red. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen . The most recent version of this image has changed the harp into one with a female figure; see http://flagspot.net/flags/ca-1921.html FOTW| Diese Datei enthält Elemente, die von folgender Datei entnommen oder adaptiert wurden:| Hoshie| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Canadian Red Ensign (1921-1957).svg | Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cross country skiing| Eigenes Werk| Thadius856 (SVG conversion) & Parutakupiu (original image)| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Cross country skiing pictogram.svg | Pictograms of Olympic sports - Figure skating| Eigenes Werk| Thadius856 (SVG conversion) & Parutakupiu (original image)| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Figure skating pictogram.svg | The Canadian Red Ensign used between 1921 and 1957. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen . The only change is making the maple leaves green from red. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen . The most recent version of this image has changed the harp into one with a female figure; see http://flagspot.net/flags/ca-1921.html FOTW| Diese Datei enthält Elemente, die von folgender Datei entnommen oder adaptiert wurden:| Hoshie| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Flag of Canada (1921–1957).svg | Flagge Lettlands| Eigenes Werk| SKopp| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Flag of Latvia.svg | Flagge Polens| Eigenes Werk| Siehe unten| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Flag of Poland.svg %% %%