[{WikipediaArticle oldid='222628432'}]

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||Image Description||Credit||Artist||License Name||File
| Dipinto raffigurante la battaglia di Quistello del 14 settembre 1734, che vide scontrarsi sulle rive del fiume Secchia l'esercito dei 58.000 Gallo-Sardi comandati da Carlo Emanuele III  contro le forze austriche del conte di Konigseck. Lo scontro si concluse con 3.500 prigionieri, 500 morti e una gran numero di feriti.| http://www.comune.quistello.mn.it/upload/Quistello_ecm8/gestionedocumentale/La%20battaglia%20di%20Quistello_784_18322.pdf| Pietro Mazzoccoli (1705-1779)| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Battle of Quistello (1734).jpg
| Civil Flag and Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1816-1848).| Eigenes Werk . Based on these sources: Bandiere Stati preunitari italiani: Sardegna and Flags of the World: Kingdom of Sardinia - Part 2 (Italy) .| FDRMRZUSA| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Civil Flag and Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1816-1848).svg
| ↑ Civil flag or Landesfarben of the Habsburg monarchy (1700-1806) ↑ Merchant ensign of the Habsburg monarchy (from 1730 to 1750) ↑ Flag of the Austrian Empire (1804-1867) ↑ Civil flag used in Cisleithania part of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918) House colours of the House of Habsburg| Eigenes Werk, basierend auf: The Flags & Arms of the Modern Era .| ThrashedParanoid and Peregrine981 .| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg
| Hand-colored period map depicting the battle order for the 1734 Battle of Guastalla .| http://www.digam.net/?dok=4346 Dokument: 13.0  	Plan der Schlacht bei Guastalla am Po, 19. September 1734Urheber: 	o. V.Datum: 	19.09.1734Format / Seiten: 	400x275 mm, o.M. Bestand/Sign: 	HStAM Karten WHK 13| Autor/-in unbekannt Unknown author| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/publicdomain.png' alt='Public domain' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/public-domain-10.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Guastalla1734.jpg
| Royal Standard, raised in the presence of the King of France (used as a state flag by the Kingdom of France under the absolute monarchy). Used from around 1638 to 1790| Eigenes Werk, basierend auf: “ Pavillon royal de France. il est blanc semé de fleurs de lis d’or, chargé des armes de France, entouré des colliers des ordres de S. Michel & du S. Esprit, & deux anges pour support. ” — Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers (1751). “ Pavillon Roïal de France. il est blanc, semé de fleurs de lis d'or, & chargé d'un Écusson des armes de France, entouré des Colliers des ordres de St Michel & du St Esprit. ” — La connoissance des pavillons ou bannieres que la plûpart des nations arborent en mer (1737) . A depiction of 'Pavillon Royal De France' is shown in the same book . the standard flying from a first rate Admiral's flagship (painted 1693) The standard flying from the Soleil-Royal at the Battle of Barleur (painted 1693 by Ludolf Bakhuizen) 'Pavillons de France' from 'Le Neptune françois, ou Atlas nouveau des cartes marines' (P. Mortier, 1700). Image of the 'Pavillon royal de France' from the 'Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences' (1751). White flag of France with the fleur-de-lis of the Bourbon kings, flanked by two angels. ( Flags through the ages and cross the world 1975 by Whitney Smith.)| Sodacan| [{Image src='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/images/slim/by-sa.png' alt='CC BY-SA 3.0' align='center' link='https://www.austria-forum.org/cc/by-sa-30.html' target='_blank'}]| Datei:Royal Standard of the King of France.svg