!!!Gerhard Barth

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!Personal Data:
*Date of birth :		July 13, 1949 in Ellwangen/Jagst
!School Education
*1960 - 1968		High School, Tübingen
!University Education
*1968 – 1970		Mathematics University Tübingen
*1970			Bachelor Degree
*1970 – 1974		Computer Science University Karlsruhe
*1974			Master Degree
*1977			PhD in Computer Science University Kaiserslautern
*1982			Habilitation University Kaiserslautern (Advanced PhD)
!Academic career
*1978 - 1980	Assistant Professor Pennsylvania State University
*1980 – 1983	Assistant Professor University Kaiserslautern
*1983 – 1986	Associate Professor University Kaiserslautern
*1986 – 1988	Full Professor 	University Stuttgart, Major Topics: Programming Tools, Software Engineering, Systems Analysis and Design
*1988 – 1992	Full Professor	University Kaiserslautern, Major Topics : Software Engineering, Knowledge Based Systems, Document Analysis. Also Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence: Some 200 researchers, annual budget of approximately, 10 million €,   Industrial shareholders included Daimler-Benz, IBM, Philips, Siemens, Mannesmann, Nixdorf
!Daimler Benz
*1992 - 1996	Senior Vice President, Information Technology within Corporate Research some 500 people, annual budget of approximately 100 million €, Major Topics: Computer Aided Manufacturing, Software  Engineering, Image Recognition, Text Recognition, Speech Recognition, Systems, Reliability, E-Business, Data Mining
*1996 – 1999	Chief Software Technology Officer, 	Paris, 	Member of Alcatel SEL management Board, 	Stuttgart, Responsibility for business units 	Access Systems, Transmission Systems, Switching Systems, 	Mobile Communication, Transport Automation, Software and Services; some 8500 people, 	annual budget of approximately 2,5 billion €, Responsibility for corporate functions Research and Technology, 	Patents and Licenses 
!Dresdner Bank
*2003 – 2004	Managing Director of Busines Operation Systems, Responsibility for product development and key account management

*2004 – 2006	Partner and Managing Director of SUP (Societät für Unternehmensplanung), Responsibility for business operations, enterprise strategy and marketing activities, Acquisition and realization  of executive search mandates

*Since 2007	Associated Partner of Atreus Interim Management, Entitlement for acquiring interim management mandates as well as enlarging the Boyden network of interim managers

*From August 2007 to September 2008   acting as CIO of Versatel AG, Düsseldorf; Member of Executive Committee; Responsibility for CRM and IT departments, streamlining application systems portfolio,    development of an IT blueprint, introduction of new platforms for ERP and CRM, management of IT project portfolio, requirements engineering
* Since 2009		Co-Founder and Managing Director of DCS Consult; Consulting activities in areas like application portfolio management, agile systems engineering, cooperation and  communication,    project streamlining, architecture design, business transformation, optimization of IT investments, sourcing strategies, requirements engineering
*Other activities: Since 1996 Member of Supervisory Board GFT AG Stuttgart; 1996 – 1999 Member of Scientific Fraunhofer Institute Advisory Board for Experimental Software Engineering, Kaiserslautern; 1996 – 2003 Member of International Board of Trustees Computer Science Institute Berkeley, USA; 1999 – 2001 President Society for Informatics (GI), Bonn

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