!!!Gerhard Fischer

[{Image src='Fischer.jpg' caption='' alt='' width='200' class='image_left' height='176'}] Gerhard Fischer is Professor at the University of Coloradao, Boulder. 

He is the director of the [Center for Lifelong Learning and Design|http://l3d.cs.colorado.edu/wordpress], a professor in the [Department of Computer Science|http://www.colorado.edu/cs], and a fellow of the [Institute of Cognitive Science|http://www.colorado.edu/cs], all at the [University of Colorado, Boulder|http://www.colorado.edu]. 

he is also a member of the Computer Human Interaction (CHI) Academy and a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

His research interests include: lifelong learning, design, meta-design, software design, creativity, social creativity, distributed intelligence, human-computer  interaction, and design-for-all (assistive technologies).

[More information via my homepage|http://l3d.cs.colorado.edu/wordpress/people/home-folders/gerhard-fischers-home-page]

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