!!!Hermann Maurer

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Hermann Maurer is __[Professor for Computer Science at Graz University of Technology|https://online.tugraz.at/tug_online/visitenkarte.show_vcard?pPersonenId=ACFAC55B2B165F32&pPersonenGruppe=3]__, Editor in Chief of Austria-Forum and member of the global-geography Consortium.

__Curriculum Vitae__
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!!For a full up to date (2024) [CV with many links see|Austria-Forum/CV_Maurer] (Find English and German Version)

Maurer is also responsible for a large quality checked collection of multimedia objects (over 1,4 million), the __[Austria-Forum|https://austria-forum.org]__, containing also some 4.000 digitized books, leading to his most recent project NID, the acronym for __[NetInteractive Documents|AEIOU/NID]__ that some believe will change how everyone will work with documents on the web in the future. 

Maurer has travelled extensively, both for exploring the world and for business. He has given over 1000 talks. His original research was in compiler design, formal languages, automata, algorithms and data-structures. He then worked in a variety of areas including applications of computers to exhibitions and museums, Web based learning environments, data structures and their efficient use, computer supported new media, dynamic symbolic language and techniques to fight plagiarism. His current main research and project areas are networked multimedia/hypermedia systems; electronic publishing and applications thereof, information integration, future implications of computers, and computers in Science Fiction.

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His hobbies include: Travelling, Geography, Hiking,  SCUBA diving and  Writing Science Fiction.
He was and is member of many learned societies. Since 1980 he has been member and official of Kiwanis. 

>For an unusual biography of Hermann Maurer see the [NID Document|https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/BookDetail/230]
>[Fairly complete list of talks/ presentations|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Maurer,_Professor_Dr_Dr_h_c_mult_Hermann/Vorträge] 
>[Fairly complete list of publications|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Maurer,_Professor_Dr_Dr_h_c_mult_Hermann/Publikationen] 
> More Info on Maurer, but also condensed to essentials see [Academia Europaea|http://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Maurer_Hermann].   
>mail: [hmaurer|mailto:hmaurer100@gmail.com] or [Maurer|mailto:hmaurer@iicm.edu]

Graz, Spring 2021

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