!!!Did you know this about Equatorial Guinea?
Did you know that Equatorial Guinea is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 8 respects.
#Freshwater withdrawal - cu km/yr: 0.02 (Rank 160).
#Airports - with unpaved runways - : 1.0 (Rank 168).
#Education expenditures - % of GDP: 0.6 (Rank 165).
#Electricity - production - KWh: 97,000,000 (Rank 179).
#Electricity - consumption - KWh: 90,210,000 (Rank 179).
#Refined petroleum products - consumption - bbl/day: 1,588 (Rank 175).
#Internet hosts - : 7.0 (Rank 188).
#Internet users - : 14,400 (Rank 182).