!!!Did you know this about Niger?
Did you know that Niger is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 12 respects.
#Median age - years: 15.1 (Rank 193).
#Physicians density - physicians/1,000 population: 0.02 (Rank 189).
#Hospital bed density - beds/1,000 population: 0.31 (Rank 184).
#Age Structure: 25-54 years - %: 25.9 (Rank 192).
#Age Structure: 55-64 years - %: 3.3 (Rank 187).
#Mothers mean age at first birth - years: 18.1 (Rank 133).
#Unemployment- youth ages 15-24 - %: 3.2 (Rank 128).
#Literacy - %: 28.7 (Rank 188).
#GDP per capita - : 800.0 (Rank 186).
#Electricity - production per capita - KWh: 14.31 (Rank 186).
#Imports per capita - $: 132.48 (Rank 184).
#% Internet users - : 0.66 (Rank 180).