!!!Seychelles: Community Contributions
Please help by adding URL's of pictures or clips and or of further famous persons as explained below.
[{FormOutput form='' handler='ContributionPlugin' populate='handler'}]
Format for adding URLs of interesting pictures; add one by one, and for each click Submit, examples:
*https://pixabay.com/en/venice-gondolas-italy-venezia-19483 (Gondolas in Venice)
*https://pixabay.com/en/venice-gondolas-italy-venezia-19483 (Gondolas in Venice)--Hermann
> Note how one can add a name after the entry
[{FormSet form='picForm' picture=''}]
[{FormOpen form='picForm' handler='ContributionPlugin' }]
*[{FormTextarea name='picture' label='URLs for interesting pictures' rows='2' cols='120'}] [{FormInput type='submit' name='savePicture' value='Submit'}]
!!Video- or audio clips (English only)
Format for adding URLs of interesting videos; add one by one, and for each click Submit, example:
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9-ZMG230QM (Rome ten attractions, 6:30)
[{FormSet form='videoForm' video=''}]
[{FormOpen form='videoForm' handler='ContributionPlugin' }]
*[{FormTextarea name='video' label='URLs for interesting videos' rows='2' cols='120'}] [{FormInput type='submit' name='saveVideo' value='Submit'}]
Additionally, please help us to correct, update or complete information as explained in a [separate section|Geography/Reasons_for_help]. Thanks!