
!!!Groot Constantia


[{Image src='hmaurer_S8700-Weingut-Constantia.jpg' width='800' height='386' popup='false' caption='Groot Constantia, 2008\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='Groot Constantia' class='image_left'}]

\\Groot Constantia [{GoogleMap location='Groot Constantia Road, Constantia, Cape Town, 7806, Südafrika' zoom='12'}] is perhaps the most famous vineyard in South Africa. Already Napoleon ordered wine to be sent to France! On lower sites only the typical, South African strong red wine thrives, but on the slopes other types grow, producing excellent wines, which look like white wine but instead are made of red grapes (the mash is processed quickly) or fruity and light white wines. 

[{SET customtitle='Groot Constantia (1)'}]
[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]