!!!Togo: Geography
||Location|Western Africa, bordering the Bight of Benin, between Benin and Ghana
||Geographic Coordinates|8 00 N, 1 10 E[{GoogleMap location='8.0,1.1666666' zoom='4'}]
||Area |''total: ''56,785 sq km\\''land: ''54,385 sq km\\''water: ''2,400 sq km__\\''We are unable to verify those figures from Factbook, since the 6 main sources we used for checking give different figures as follows:\\[Factbook|https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook]: 56785\\ [DBpedia|http://dbpedia.org]: 56785\\ [Geoname|http://www.geonames.org]: 56785\\ [Infoplease|http://www.infoplease.com]: 56785\\ [Britannica|http://www.britannica.com]: 56600\\ [Wolfram|http://www.wolframalpha.com]: 56785''__\\__Attempted Explanation__: Please help us to try to explain the discrepancies by sending us helpful information to [office@global-geography.org|mailto:office@global-geography.org]
||Land boundaries|''total: ''1,647 km\\''border countries: ''Benin 644 km, Burkina Faso 126 km, Ghana 877 km
||Coastline|56 km
||Elevation Extremes|''lowest point: ''Atlantic Ocean 0 m\\''highest point: ''Mont Agou 986 m
||Highest Mountains|
||Terrain|gently rolling savanna in north; central hills; southern plateau; low coastal plain with extensive lagoons and marshes
||Natural Hazards|hot, dry harmattan wind can reduce visibility in north during winter; periodic droughts
||Natural Resource|phosphates, limestone, marble, arable land
||Land Use|''arable land: ''44.2%\\''permanent crops: ''3.7%\\''other: ''52.1% (2011)
||Climate|tropical; hot, humid in south; semiarid in north
||Irrigated Land|73 sq km (2003)
||Renewable Water Resources|14.7 cu km (2011)
||Environment_CurrentIssues|deforestation attributable to slash-and-burn agriculture and the use of wood for fuel; water pollution presents health hazards and hinders the fishing industry; air pollution increasing in urban areas
||Environment - international agreements|''party to: ''Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling\\''signed, but not ratified: ''none of the selected agreements
||Large Cities|__Due to difference in city rankings taken from two data sources we are listing here both lists :__\\According to [Wolfram|http://www.wolframalpha.com]: Lome; Sokode; Kara; Kpalime; Atakpame\\According to [Geonames|http://www.geonames.org]: Lomé; Sokodé; Kara; Atakpamé; Kpalimé\\\\\__Attempted Explanation:__ Please help us to try to explain the discrepancies by sending us helpful information to [office@global-geography.org|mailto:office@global-geography.org] \\[Important Cities|Geography/Africa/Togo/Geography/Important_Cities]
||Geography-note|the country's length allows it to stretch through six distinct geographic regions; climate varies from tropical to savanna