
!!!Knife Edge Bridge

[{Image src='S1210-Knife-Edge-Bruecke.jpg' width='800' height='600' popup='false' caption='Knife Edge Bridge, 2008\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='Knife Edge Bride' class='image_left'}]

Crossing this bridge without getting wet is nearly impossible. Every now and then water spray drifts over fron the waterfalls [{GoogleMap location='-17.924459, 25.855019' zoom='12' title='Victoria Falls'}].

Diese Brücke zu überqueren ohne nass zu werden ist fast unmöglich. Immer wieder treiben Wasserschleier vom Fall [{GoogleMap location='-17.924459, 25.855019' zoom='12' title='Victoria Falls'}] herüber.

[{SET customtitle='Knife Edge Bridge (1)'}]
[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]